Power of Light Workshop
In Vedanta’s 30 plus years of experience in the therapeutic field, she has always been at the conjunction where psychotherapy and spirituality meet.
Her journey has been one of discovering and teaching the mysteries of the Soul.
After an out of body experience at the age of 18, Vedanta became a well-known medium in Greece and Germany. She then became a disciple of Osho in 1987 and a whole new dimension of channelling opened up for her, in which she used her psychic gift toward the healing of others.
She lived in Poona from 1987 until 1996.
Vedanta is trained in several therapeutic approaches such as Primal Therapy, Codependency Therapy, Voice Dialogue, Gestalt therapy and Body-Oriented Psychotherapy, including the Bodynamic approach.
She also trains psychotherapists and people from other healing professions in working with people with her own integrative approach in the Power of Light Institute, of which she is the founder.
In this training, she teaches her unique perspective on channelling, therapy and spirituality, dedicated to the process of transformation and unfoldment of the human potential.
In 1996, Vedanta survived an aeroplane crash in Australia and this incident became a real landmark on the path of transformation in her personal journey.
Vedanta has been in training with Faisal Muqaddam in the Diamond Logos Work since 1997 and is a senior teacher in the Diamond Logos Academy.
She has been offering Essence work in Greece and in other European countries for many years.
Currently, she works as a therapist and a teacher primarily in Holland and Greece, bringing the dimension of Essence into the world of therapy and channelling.
Vedanta is a mother of a beautiful daughter since 2003.
Vedanta’s official website: www.channelingthesource.com
“A Taste of the Power of Light” by Vedanta
“In this workshop, we get a taste of the dynamic work of the Power of Light, aiming to invoke a direct experience of your own life energy and opening to your Inner Guidance.
Through grounding, heart-meditations and channelling we will come in touch with Source.
You are most welcome to join”.