Star Sapphire Male/Female Energywork
Each of us has both a masculine and feminine polarity. From a different perspective, we can use a description as our emotional and rational parts. Emotion versus logic. Logic versus emotion.
Very often one of these polarities is too dominant in us, usurping the other. An imbalance is created. This is often reflected in our relationships, at work or it prevents us from going deeper into meditation.
Just as we have a relationship between the polarities on the inside, so is our life on the outside. If you want to improve your external relationships, you must first balance the relationship within.
What happens in the session?
Star Sapphire supports the inner essence of a person—which is like a presence, a luminosity, or an awareness of the present moment.
In order to give this support, the therapist first does an energy-reading of the client’s two feet and the seven chakras. This silent reading gives some clues about the health of the essential being and about which attitudes, dreams, or attachments are acting as limitations to further growth.
Usually, but not always, the therapist then invites the client to enter into the two opposite polarities of the body—male and female. A dialogue between them reveals resistances, fears, even a power struggle, for which they are both responsible. The client hears himself saying sentences he may previously have thought belonged to someone else…the wife or the mother, and he changes them through “let-go.” The Star Sapphire process is never a doing, but rather a surrender into love.
Star Sapphire intervenes in three important areas of life: work, relationship, and meditation. Work, when it arises from relaxation, is an expression of creativity. If both the male and female sides are creative, they will be happy together, and their love will be reflected in the outer relationship as well. Meditation is the milieu, the relaxed watchfulness, within which creativity arises. Star Sapphire treats the three areas as an interdependent circle, and repairs any broken link in one area that is causing suffering in the other two.
If you are interested in more details, here is a video of Safar talking about the Star Sapphire method and session. It is with English subtitles.
People who can benefit from this session:
- people having difficulty in a relationship (any relationship)
- people who want to change their job
- people who have no clear direction
- people looking for more depth in life
- people who need to make a decision
- people who think their problem might come from a past life
- people who feel generally well, but have an area of dissatisfaction
- people who are stuck and don’t know why
- people who have done all that can be “done”
The Star Sapphire session lasts 90 minutes, and the price is 140 EUR.
Safar Michal Nikodem
Safar began his professional life working in large corporations. Then, for 11 years, he managed his own successful business, which he sold a couple of years ago. As well as Star Sapphire Energywork, he is trained in Hypnotherapy, Couple counselling, Psychic Massage and Ayurvedic Balance Bodywork. He works intuitively and creatively in individual sessions and groups.
For many years he was an assistant on the Energywork training before becoming one of the teachers himself. Safar loves the moments during individual sessions and groups when suddenly everything stops and a great silence spreads around. These are moments of pure blissfulness for him and the participants.